It used to be that if you need to check patient Medicare eligibility or claim status, you have only two options:
- Call the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system at (866) 931-3903
- Use the ANSI 270/271 Beneficiary Eligibility Inquiry transaction at the CMS data center
Anybody who has used the IVR system knows it’s an annoying and time consuming process. As for the other method, providers need to fill out forms and get special software to process. You can also pay a third party monthly fees to access eligibility but it’s not really worth it unless you have large volume.
Most recently, Palmetto GBA has set up a free self service portal also known as Online Provider Services (OPS), that offer information on
- Beneficiary Eligibility
- Claims Status
- Remittances Online
- Financial Information (payment floor and last three checks paid)
All you need to participate is a signed electronic data interchange (EDI) Enrollment Agreement on file with Palmetto GBA. And if you are already submitting claims electronically, then you’re good to go 🙂
Follow this link and enjoy: